Wednesday, October 5, 2011

100 Words: The Stranger

Generally speaking, any critique of my writing begins with the words "this could use an edit". With so many things, improvement comes only when challenged and a rather nice writing challenge was laid down recently by Mr. London Street, specifically to write an engaging blog post using 100 words or less.

This is probably the closest I'll get to pared-down prose.


In gentler times, I might have seen an announcement, formal and nondescript, in the back pages of a newspaper.

These days, everything’s connected. No more shoebox full of photographs for the wistful, late-night life review; now it’s a website with its intangible, swirling starling-cloud of digital pictures, shared and half-forgotten memories.

Hyperlinked together, we’re at a dinner party, laughing. No contact for years, but the tags are still in place at the bottom of the screen next to her thumbnail picture. Even at this tiny resolution, I recognise her face.

What I don't recognise is her name.

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